smw/schema:Group:Simple search profile

Материал из Викимультии — энциклопедии мультипликации
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This schema type supports the definition of input forms and characteristics for the extended search profile where it contains instructions on how to generate input fields, define default namespaces, or declare prefix expressions for a search request.
Запрос обрабатывается и может занять некоторое время. Подготовка...
{ "type": "SEARCH_FORM_SCHEMA", "tags": [ "search" ], "default_form": "Media and files", "forms": { "Media and files": [ { "Media type": { "autocomplete": true } }, { "MIME type": { "autocomplete": true } } ] }, "namespaces": { "default_hide": true, "hide": [ "NS_MEDIAWIKI", "NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK", "SMW_NS_SCHEMA", "SMW_NS_SCHEMA_TALK", 3001 ], "preselect": { "Media and files": [ "NS_FILE" ] } }, "term_parser": { "prefix": { "lang": [ "Language code", "Has interlanguage link.Page content language" ] } } }