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Строка 1: Строка 1:
{{Карточка Мультсериал
{{Карточка Мультсериал
|вверху              =
|ref                =  
|ref                =  
|Название            = Приключения Тинтина
|Название            = Приключения Тинтина
|Оригинал            = Les Aventures de Tintin
|Оригинал            = Les Aventures de Tintin
|Оригинал язык      = fr
|Оригинал язык      = fr
|Изображение        = Les Aventures de Tintin.jpg
|Изображение        = Les Aventures de Tintin.jpg
|Подпись            =  
|Подпись            =  
|Другие названия    =  
|Другие названия    =  
|Возраст            =  
|Возраст            =  
|MPAA                =  
|MPAA                =  
|Тип                =  
|Тип                =  
|Жанр                = Приключения, Мистерия, Комедия, Драма
|Жанр                = Детектив, Приключения, Семейный
|На основе          =  
|На основе          =  
|Создатель          = Эрже
|Создатель          = Эрже
|Режиссёр            = Стефан Бернаскони
|Режиссёр            = Стефани Бернаскони
|Сценарист          = Филипп Годдин
|Сценарист          = Филипп Годдин, Амели Обер
|Композитор          = Рэй Паркер, Джим Морган, Том Жизняк
|Композитор          = Рэй Паркер, Джим Морган, Том Жизняк
|Студия              = Nelvana Limited, Ellipse Programme
|Студия              = Nelvana Limited, Ellipsanime
|Дистрибьютор        =  
|Дистрибьютор        =  
|Страна              = Франция, Бельгия, Канада
|Страна              = Франция, Канада, Бельгия
|Язык                = Французский, Английский
|Язык                = французский, английский
|Бюджет              =  
|Бюджет              =  
|Сборы              =  
|Сборы              =  
|Число сезонов      = 3
|Число сезонов      = 3
|Число серий        = 39
|Число серий        = 39
|Список серий        = Список эпизодов мультсериала «Приключения Тинтина (1991)»
|Список серий        = Список эпизодов мультсериала «Приключения Тинтина»
|Продолжительность  =  
|Продолжительность  = 22 минуты
|Телеканал          =  
|Телеканал          = FR3/France 3 and M6~~Франция), HBO~~США, Family~~Канада, NHK~~Япония, ITV Network (CITV)~~Великобритания, TV1000~~Скандинавия
|Формат изображения  =  
|Формат изображения  =  
|Формат аудио        =  
|Формат аудио        =  
|Первый показ        = 2 октября 1991
|Первый показ        = 2 октября 1991
|Последний показ    = 28 сентября 1992
|Последний показ    = 28 сентября 1992
|РуТелеканал        = ОРТ, Теленяня, Карусель, Gulli Girl (ранее Gulli)
|РуТелеканал        = ОРТ, Теленяня, Карусель, Gulli Girl (ранее Gulli)
|Первый показ РФ    =  
|Первый показ РФ    =  
|Последний показ РФ  =  
|Последний показ РФ  =  
|Приквелы            =  
|Приквелы            =  
|Сиквелы            =  
|Сиквелы            =  
'''Приключения Тинтина''' ({{lang-fr|Les Aventures de Tintin}}) франко-канадский [[мультсериал|анимационный сериал]] производства студий «[[Nelvana Limited]]» и «[[Ellipsanime]]», транслировался с [[2 октября]] [[1991 год|1991]] по [[28 сентября]] [[1992 год|1992]]. Мультсериал о всемирно известном журналисте по имени Тинтин, основанный на культовых комиксах известного бельгийского художника-иллюстратора Эрже.
'''Приключения Тинтина''' ({{lang-fr|Les Aventures de Tintin}}) — франко-канадский [[мультсериал|анимационный сериал]] производства студий «[[Nelvana Limited]]» и «[[Ellipse Programme]]», транслировался с [[2 октября]] [[1991 год|1991]] по [[28 сентября]] [[1992 год|1992]]. Мультсериал о всемирно известном журналисте по имени Тинтин, основанный на культовых комиксах известного бельгийского художника-иллюстратора Эрже.

Каждый эпизод этого мультсериала наполнен утончённым французским юмором, а его сюжеты очень оригинальны и непредсказуемы.
Каждая серия этого замечательного мультфильма наполнена утонченным французским юмором, а его сюжеты очень оригинальны и непредсказуемы.

== Сюжет ==
== Сюжет ==
Молодой и независимый журналист-детектив Тинтин является главным героем мультсериала, он путешествует по миру и попадает в самые опасные приключения в погоне за необычными происшествиями и загадочными событиями благодаря своей увлекательной профессии. Его сопровождает его любимый и преданный белый пёс фокстерьер Милу и они собирают интересные сведения, а затем Тинтин описывает их в репортажах для газеты, в которой он работает. Расследовать кражу драгоценностей? Напасть на след похитителей детей? Поднять затонувшие сокровища со дна океана? Отправиться с важной миссией на Луну? Ему помогает распутывать самые сложные дела и разгадывать самые сложные загадки профессор Турнесоль, капитан Хэддок и братья-детективы Дюпоны. У Тинтина не только друзья, но и враги. Самым заклятым врагом Тинтина является Растопопулос — американский злодей-миллионер. Во все авантюры пускается неудержимый Тинтин со своей командой. И с блеском справляется с любыми рискованными делами!
Молодой и независимый журналист-детектив Тинтин является главным героем мультсериала, он путешествует по миру и попадает в самые опасные приключения в погоне за необычными происшествиями и загадочными событиями благодаря своей увлекательной профессии. Его сопровождает его любимый и преданный белый пёс фокстерьер Милу и они собирают интересные сведения, а затем Тинтин описывает их в репортажах для газеты, в которой он работает. Расследовать кражу драгоценностей? Напасть на след похитителей детей? Поднять затонувшие сокровища со дна океана? Отправиться с важной миссией на Луну? Ему помогает распутывать самые сложные дела и разгадывать самые сложные загадки профессор Турнесоль, капитан Хэддок и братья-детективы Дюпоны. У Тинтина не только друзья, но и враги. Самым заклятым врагом Тинтина является Растопопулос — американский злодей-миллионер. Во все авантюры пускается неудержимый Тинтин со своей командой. И с блеском справляется с любыми рискованными делами!

== Эпизоды ==
== История ==
{{main|Список эпизодов мультсериала «Приключения Тинтина»}}
The television series was directed by French director Stephen Bernasconi (with Peter Hudecki as the Canadian unit director. Hudecki was the primary director, but could not be credited as director because of coproduction restrictions.) and produced by Ellipse (France) and Nelvana (Canada) on behalf of the Hergé Foundation. It was the first television adaptation of Hergé's books since the Belgian animation company Belvision was responsible for Hergé's Adventures of Tintin 20 years earlier. Philippe Goddin, an expert in Hergé and Tintin, acted as a consultant to the producers. The series' writers included: Toby Mullally, Eric Rondeaux, Martin Brossolet, Amelie Aubert, Dennise Fordham, and Alex Boon.
{{:Список эпизодов мультсериала «Приключения Тинтина»}}
Сериал состоит из трёх сезонов и включает 39 серий. Был экранизирован 21 альбом (не были адаптированы «Тинтин в Стране Советов», «Тинтин в Конго» и «Тинтин и Альфа-арт»). Сериал пользуется большой популярностью и был переведён на многие языки, включая и русский!
== Изменение из книг ==
Certain aspects of the stories posed difficulties for the producers, who had to adapt features of the books for a younger audience. Nevertheless, this series was far more faithful to the books than the earlier Hergé's Adventures of Tintin, which was made from 1959 to 1963.
Some examples of these changes included toning down the high amount of violence, death, and the use of firearms in many adventures. Tintin's role was slightly downplayed and he scolded his dog Snowy less often than he did in the books. Twice in the series, Tintin is portrayed as knowing various characters already (Thomson and Thompson and Allan in "Cigars of the Pharaoh" and Piotr Skut in "The Red Sea Sharks"), when it was the first time they had met in the book version. On these occasions Tintin had already interacted with these characters in the TV series, as stories were shown in a sequence different from the books.
Haddock's penchant for whiskey posed a problem for audience sensitivities. While the original books did not promote alcohol, they featured it heavily, with much humor based around it and the results of drinking. However, in many countries where the producers hoped to sell the series, alcoholism was a sensitive issue. Therefore, international versions of the series had some alterations. Specifically, Haddock is often seen drinking, but not as heavily as in the books. "The Crab with the Golden Claws" is the only adventure where Haddock's drunken state is not downplayed. In "Tintin in Tibet", Haddock is seen taking a nip from a whiskey flask in order to set up a scene in which Snowy is tempted to lap up some spilled whiskey and subsequently falls over a cliff. In "Tintin and the Picaros", Haddock is the only person taking wine with dinner, foreshadowing the use of Calculus' tablets to cure the drunken Picaros. Haddock is also seen drinking in "The Calculus Affair" and in "Explorers on the Moon", setting up the scene where he leaves the rocket in a drunken state. However, he keeps the bottle in the refrigerator (instead of hiding it in an astronomy book, like he did in the book), making it less obvious for young viewers that it is alcohol.
The specific differences between each TV episode and comic book are:
* Tintin in America: This is the most altered episode, amounting to an almost completely new story. The Native American aspect of the original tale was removed and the gangster element given the main focus. In the book, Bobby Smiles is the head of a rival gang to Al Capone, but becomes an "employee" of Capone's in the televised episode. All the criminals are led by Al Capone, who is captured at the end. Artistically, the episode was produced to the same standard as the others, but the backgrounds boast greater detail and more cinematic shots. The ending was also rewritten. Unlike in the book, where Tintin returns safely to Europe, in this episode he receives a phone call about an unknown situation, and leaves his hotel room to solve it, ending the episode and the entire series.
Cigars of the Pharaoh: In the TV episode, Tintin's cruise is transported from the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean and scenes showing the criminal boss writing orders already hint at the boss being Rastapopoulos by his voice and by clothes matching his preceding appearances. Also, the dream sequence when Tintin passes out in the tomb is made more frightening when the Pharaoh's emblem (colored red and slanted to look more like a no symbol) melts into a smoke that appears to be blood and eventually transforms into a disfigured skull-like apparition. Furthermore, the mental hospital cell is a padded cell; in the book it has a bed. Also, in the book, Tintin is imprisoned in the asylum because of a forged letter planted by the fakir; in the TV episode, Dr. Finney is a member of the gang and writes the letter to frame Tintin. Tintin is not recaptured by the asylum as in the books; instead the maharaja's son finds him. Also, the poet Zloty is absent in the episode. In the comic, Doctor Sarcophagus ends up in the asylum, while in the TV episode he does not. In the TV series, Tintin is already friends with Thompson and Thomson when they try to arrest him on the ship; he also recognizes Allan Thompson among the gang members (replacing an unnamed Japanese). Tintin had already interacted with these characters in earlier TV episodes but not in earlier books.
The Blue Lotus: Mitsuhirato's manservant is shown to be a double agent in the service of the Sons of the Dragon, and it is he who replaces the Rajaijah poison with a harmless substitute, and delivers the real poison to his employers. In the book, this was done by another agent. Gibbons is not shown at all, and Dawson's role is much reduced, as he is only shown as the police commissioner who calls in Thompson and Thomson, and does not appear to be in league with Mitsuhirato. (This creates a subsequent continuity error in "The Red Sea Sharks", as Tintin mentions having a "run-in" with Dawson despite not encountering him in this story). Also in the book, Chang's parents were killed in the flood, but in the TV episode Chang had an orphanage which was washed away by the flood. At the end of the story line, Rastapopoulos tries to flee through the Blue Lotus club when the other villains are apprehended, but is himself caught by Thompson and Thomson. In the book, Rastapopoulos was apprehended along with Mitsuhirato. Also, the episode, unlike the book, does not reveal Mitsuhirato's fate.
The Broken Ear: Tortilla is completely missing from the plot, and is replaced by Walker's aide, Lopez (who is not described as a half-caste). Further, Colonel/Corporal Diaz and the entire subplot involving the rivaling petroleum companies are removed, and accordingly, Tintin never falls out of favor with General Alcazar, and Alonzo and Ramon never find Tintin in the Amazon. Instead, they disappear from the story line after Tintin escapes from them in San Theodoros, and do not appear again until the climax. Also, Tintin's disguise to spy on Ramon and Alonzo is changed from the blackface makeup he uses in the book to a false mustache and glasses in the episode. While in the book, Tintin walks alone back to Sanfacion, Nuevo Rico after being caught by Alonzo and Ramon, in the episode he is escorted (off screen) by Ridgewell and the Arumbayas to San Theodoros. At the end of the episode, Tintin saves Ramon and Alonzo, whereas in the book they drown and disappear into Hell, though it is speculated that this may be an imaginary scene or hallucination. Pablo and Trickler do not appear. (The former creates a continuity error with the cartoon adaptation of "Tintin and the Picaros" where the young reporter remembers him.)
The Black Island: Ranko, the gorilla, crushes the rock Tintin throws at him, something he did not do in the book. Also, in the episode, the counterfeiting gang based in the castle comprises only Puschov, Dr. Müller, and Ivan: in the book, there were two more members.
King Ottokar's Sceptre: In the book, the true professor smokes while the impostor does not; this is reversed for the TV episode, and Tintin also learns of the twin Alembicks much earlier in the episode than in the book. And in the book, Tintin crossed the border because he got hungry and was chased back by frontier guards, while in the episode Tintin accidentally crosses the border while following a Bordurian fighter to its airfield. In the book, Tintin got the clue that the camera was faked from a toy store, while in the episode Tintin got the clue by looking at the cannons outside Kropow Castle.
The Crab with the Golden Claws: The episode starts with a scene of a meeting between Bunji Kuraki and Herbert Dawes, which is only referred to in the book. Tintin later encounters an imprisoned Kuraki, which is not depicted in the book. He tells Tintin about Allan's plans. In the book, Tintin sees the drugs with his own eyes. Captain Haddock does not start a fire on the lifeboat that he, Tintin and Snowy use to escape the Karaboudjan. The plane crash before the desert is also changed. In the book, Haddock is drunk and hits Tintin with a bottle, only to row himself. In the adaption (and in the 50-60s adaption also), Haddock is innocent, and they let the pilot (the other is removed) attack Tintin. As in the 50-60´s adaptation, the ending is rewritten, replacing the fishing net with a rope.
The Shooting Star: The part of Philippulus the Prophet is significantly reduced. He is seen at the start of the episode when Tintin reaches the observatory and when he is having a 'nightmare'. These appearances were reduced and others, such as Philippulus' "occupation" of the Aurora's crow's nest, are completely missing. The Aurora's fuel stop in Akureyri, Iceland was likewise left, and Captain Chester is absent in the episode. Also, they see the Peary through binoculars aboard the Aurora, instead of from a seaplane.
The Secret of the Unicorn: The Great Dane, Brutus, is not shown. Also, when Haddock takes Tintin out of his apartment to show him the painting of the Unicorn, someone is shown watching them and then breaking into Tintin's apartment. In the book it is only revealed that there was a robbery when Tintin arrives home and finds his model Unicorn missing. Finally, a change was made to the scene in which Tintin is kidnapped and taken to Marlinspike Hall: rather than two unknown "delivery men", as depicted in the book, it is the Bird brothers (Max and Gustav) themselves who kidnap him.
Red Rackham's Treasure: The changes are made solely for time, such as the only consequence of the press exposure is their meeting with Calculus. In addition, Tintin has a smooth voyage in the shark submarine, as opposed to the book, where Tintin is in peril when the vehicle is snarled with seaweed. Furthermore, the treasure hunters never return to the island to dig around a large wooden cross because of a mistaken idea of where the treasure could be since Tintin comes to realize why that would be useless while returning from the island from the story's only landing. In addition, Tintin is the only one who does the diving and it is he finds the cache of Jamaican Rum and Captain Haddock takes the discovery calmly.
The Seven Crystal Balls: The episode begins with the Seven Explorers of the Sanders–Hardiman Expedition finding the Mummy of Rascar Capac. Jolyon Wagg also makes a cameo appearance at the theater. Following the chronology of the books, Jolyon Wagg does not appear until "The Calculus Affair", but as the TV episodes of "The Calculus Affair" aired before "The Seven Crystal Balls", Wagg's appearance is credible when the episodes are viewed in that order.
Prisoners of the Sun: The changes are made solely for time, such as Tintin and Haddock's execution being reduced to one day instead of eighteen, and some of the action in the jungle being reduced or toned down.
Land of Black Gold: Mohammed Ben Kalish Ezab was given a more sympathetic and caring role and lets Tintin and Captain Haddock take his car whereas in the book, he does not. The role of Abdullah is downplayed, and he does not seem to cry as much as he does in the book. Also, the Emir already knows what Dr. Müller's real name is, while in the book he knows, and calls him Professor Smith, and knows his actual name at the end of the book. The half-destroyed Marlinspike Hall was shown on TV, while in the book, it was a photo taken by Professor Calculus. And when Dr. Müller asks Tintin if he wants to destroy Formula 14, he shows how much he loves his friends, while in the book he merely states that he was not interested.
Destination Moon: Again, the cuts are made solely for time, such as Tintin's misadventure with a pack of bears, Haddock's tantrums over the space trip, and a few other incidents like a false fire alarm.
Explorers on the Moon: Tintin's attempt to rescue Haddock from his impromptu spacewalk around the asteroid Adonis is made more dramatic and heightened than in the book, with both of them getting pulled into orbit and Tintin having to use a grappling iron to return them to the rocket. Despite that, the tense nature of the adventure is toned down somewhat with Snowy's rescue from the cave omitted from the story. The spymaster behind Jorgen has also been omitted.
The Calculus Affair: The Syldavian group, which is also trying to abduct Professor Calculus, is removed for simplicity. Also, in the original book, Calculus was kidnapped earlier in the story. In addition, Jolyon Wagg's family has been removed from the storyline, and his appearances reduced by half.
The Red Sea Sharks: The original book dealt with the topic of modern slavery, but the television episode was centered around smuggling of refugees: they were not meant to be sold, but killed after handing over all their money. Furthermore, while the Africans in the book volunteered to be simply stokers for the ship that Captain Haddock commands, the television version (changing them from Africans to Arabs) makes a point of having them doing more sophisticated work on the ship (although this is implied in the book). Bab El Ehr himself is entirely deleted from the storyline; as a result, Dr. Müller's role is expanded, and he becomes the leader of the attempted coup d'état rather than just being one of Bab El Ehr's military commanders. Also, the scene in which the Mosquitoes bomb the armored cars is rewritten — in the book, Müller is safely inside headquarters, and gives orders via telephone, whereas in the episode, Müller is in one of the vehicles and communicates via radio. Jolyon Wagg is also absent, and the last scene depicts the exploding firework in a chair, another trick from Abdullah.
Tintin in Tibet: One notable omission from this episode is the stopover in New Delhi during the quest to save Chang. Also, the nightmare Tintin had and Chang calling him is seen, while it was not in the book.
The Castafiore Emerald: Unlike the book, when Castafiore arrives she still gives Captain Haddock the parrot Iago as a gift, but the parrot's part is significantly downplayed; as such, the bird does not manage to pick up much of Haddock's verbal slang, sparing the Captain from further annoyance. Also, unlike the book, Castafiore trips over the broken stair (in the book she is the only character not to). Miarka is much friendlier towards Tintin and Haddock and does not bite the Captain. Miarka's uncle is less hostile to Tintin and Haddock and does not try to throw a rock at Tintin as in the book. Neither does he think Marlinspike Hall's inhabitants have a deep hatred for him and the other gypsies. The scene when Thomson and Thompson confront the gypsies is shown.
Flight 714: Rastapopolous says that he was planning to shoot Dr. Krollspell, whereas in the book he merely says "eliminate", and does not reveal plans for the other crew members or the Sondinesians. Also, the shootout that Tintin and Captain Haddock have with Alan and his men is longer than in the book, and Alan does not have his teeth knocked out by the Sondonesians. In the end, the spaceship drops Krollspell off in India; in the book it drops him off in Cairo (although the original French version also had Krollspell transported to India). The group is hypnotized after they get on the spaceship; this is perhaps more believable as the volcano was about to explode. Jolyon Wagg and his family is omitted from this episode. Mik Kanrokitoff's Russian accent is toned down in this version. In addition, Tintin does not reveal that he is going to Sydney.
Tintin and the Picaros: Hergé presents a less naive Tintin who refuses to go with Haddock and Calculus to rescue Castafiore and the detectives, knowing it is a setup. He only joins them later, after his conscience gets the better of him. Many fans felt it was out of character for Tintin to refuse to go to South America. In the television episode, Tintin is all for rescuing his friends, and goes with Haddock and Calculus early in the adventure. In the original comic, Tintin wore bell-bottoms throughout the book, which was in contrast with the plus-fours he had always worn previously - the plus-fours are restored for the episode. The encounter with Ridgewell and the Arumbayas is also removed as is the moment when Captain Haddock's first name is revealed.
Tintin in America, The Shooting Star and Red Rackham's Treasure are the only stories to be told in one part instead of two. Во второй части рассказов, Тинтин рассказывает про некоторые события первой части в начале.
Throughout the books, Snowy is frequently seen to be "talking". It is understood that his voice is only heard through the "fourth wall", but this verbal commentary is completely absent in the television series.
=== Stories not adapted ===
Three of the Tintin books were not included in the animated series. These were the first two (Tintin in the Land of the Soviets and Tintin in the Congo) and the final unfinished Tintin and Alph-Art.

== Съёмочная группа ==
== Съёмочная группа ==
=== Роли озвучивают ===
{{Создатели|Стефани Бернаскони|Режиссёр|}}
==== Француская версия ====
{{Создатели|Филипп Годдин|Сценарист|}}
{{Создатели|Амели Обер|Сценарист|}}
{{Создатели|Рэй Паркер|Композитор|}}
{{Создатели|Джим Морган|Композитор|}}
{{Создатели|Том Жизняк|Композитор|}}
{{Создатели|Тьерри Форнье|Художник-постановщик|}}
{{Создатели|Роберт Рэй|Продюсер|}}
{{Создатели|Майкл Хирш|Исполнительный продюсер|}}
{{Создатели|Патрик Луберт|Исполнительный продюсер|}}
{{Создатели|Клайв Смит|Исполнительный продюсер|}}
{{Создатели|Филипп Гильдас|Исполнительный продюсер|}}
{{Создатели|Пьер Бертран-Жом|Исполнительный продюсер|}}
{{Создатели|Саймон Харт|Исполнительный продюсер|}}
== Роли озвучивали ==
=== французская ===
{{ВРолях|Тьерри Вермут|Евгений Вальц|Тинтин}}
{{ВРолях|Тьерри Вермут|Евгений Вальц|Тинтин}}
{{ВРолях|Кристиан Пеллисье|Александр Коврижных|Капитан Хэддок}}
{{ВРолях|Кристиан Пеллисье|Александр Коврижных|Капитан Арчибальд Хэддок,Шевалье Франсуа д’Адок}}
{{ВРолях|Сьюзэн Роман||Милу}}
{{ВРолях|Анри Лабюсьер||Профессор Турнесоль}}
{{ВРолях|Анри Лабюсьер|Павел Кипнис|Профессор Турнесоль}}
{{ВРолях|Сьюзэн Роман||Милу|}}
{{ВРолях|Ив Барсак|Павел Кипнис|Инспектор Дюпон}}
{{ВРолях|Ив Барсак||Инспектор Дюпон}}
{{ВРолях|Жан-Пьер Мулен|Павел Кипнис|Инспектор Дюпонн}}
{{ВРолях|Жан-Пьер Мулен||Инспектор Дюпонн}}
{{ВРолях|||Клептоман Аристид Филосель}}
{{ВРолях||Александр Коврижных|Аллан Томпсон}}
{{ВРолях||Лариса Некипелова|}}
{{ВРолях||Лариса Некипелова|}}
{{ВРолях|||[[Том (Приключения Тинтина)|Том]]}}
{{ВРолях|||Лейтенант Делькур}}
{{ВРолях|||Бернаби Досс}}
{{ВРолях|Джули Лемье||[[Чанг (Приключения Тинтина)|Чанг]]}}
{{ВРолях|Жорж Бартоломье||Серафин Лампион}}
{{ВРолях|Аугуст Шелленберг||}}
{{ВРолях|Мари Винсент||Бьянка Кастафиоре}}
{{ВРолях|||Мадам Финч}}
{{ВРолях|||Мистер Крабтри}}
{{ВРолях|Мишель Руль||}}
{{ВРолях|Арнольд Гелдерман||Красный Ракхам}}
{{ВРолях|Софи Артурус||Абдаллах}}
{{ВРолях|Патриция Легран||Зоррино}}
{{ВРолях|Софи Дешом||}}
{{ВРолях|Уильям Корин||}}
{{ВРолях|Мишель Гудин||}}
{{ВРолях|Анри Ламбер||}}
{{ВРолях|Жан-Пьерр Леруа||}}
{{ВРолях|Серж Лорка||}}
{{ВРолях|Серж Совион||}}
{{ВРолях|Мишель Туро||}}
{{ВРолях|Дениель Брэмон||}}
{{ВРолях|Гастон Пун||}}
==== Английская версия ====
{{ВРолях|Колин О’Мира|Андрей Казанцев|Тинтин}}
{{ВРолях|Дэвид Фокс|Владимир Ферапонтов|Капитан Хэддок}}
{{ВРолях|Джон Стокер|Андрей Мартынов|Инспектор Томпсон}}
{{ВРолях|Дэн Хеннесси|Андрей Мартынов|Инспектор Томсон}}
{{ВРолях|Уэйн Робсон|Юрий Меншагин|Профессор Калькулюс}}
{{ВРолях|Сьюзэн Роман||Снежок}}
{{ВРолях|Питер Мич||Radio Announcer}}
{{ВРолях|Вернон Чэпман||Нестор}}
{{ВРолях|Дэвид Лессер||Остальные персонажи}}
{{ВРолях|Хо Чоу||Остальные персонажи}}
{{ВРолях|Пол Хаддад||}}
{{ВРолях|Грэхэм Хейли||}}
{{ВРолях|Рэй Ландри||}}
{{ВРолях|Фрэнк Проктор||}}
{{ВРолях|Деннис Акаяма||}}
{{ВРолях|Роберт Кайт||}}
{{ВРолях|Грэм Кэмпбелл||}}
{{ВРолях|Лиз Дюфрен||}}
{{ВРолях|Кит Хэмпшир||}}
{{ВРолях|Марвин Измаэль||}}
{{ВРолях|Том Книбоун||}}
{{ВРолях|Кит Найт||}}
{{ВРолях|Михаэль Лампорт||}}
{{ВРолях|Марк Моро||}}
{{ВРолях|Харви Аиткен||}}
{{ВРолях|Дэвид Хубанд||}}
{{ВРолях|Нил Манро||}}
{{ВРолях|Фрэнк Перри||}}
{{ВРолях|Марио Романо||}}
{{ВРолях||Георгий Мартиросьян|Остальные персонажи}}
{{ВРолях||Ольга Кузнецова|все женские роли}}
{{ВРолях||Ирина Гришина|все женские роли (некоторые серий)}}

=== Информация о русском дубляже ===
=== Закадровая озвучка ===
Мультсериал озвучен компанией «'''Селена Интернешнл'''» по заказу ''ОРТ'' в [[1998 год]].
{{Создатели|Владимир Ферапонтов|Режиссёр дубляжа|}}
=== Русский дубляж ===
Мультсериал дублирован на студии Арк-тв по заказу «'''ЗАО, Первый канал, всемирная сеть'''» в [[2010 год]].
{{Создатели||Режиссёр дубляжа|}}
== Все альбомы (в хронологическом порядке) ==
Тинтин в Америке
Сигары фараона
Голубой лотос
Сломанное ухо
Черный остров
Скипетр Оттокара
Краб с золотыми клешнями
Таинственная звезда
Тайна «Единорога»
Сокровище Красного Ракхама
7 хрустальных шаров
Храм Солнца
Тинтин в стране чёрного золота
Пункт назначения — Луна
Путешественники на Луне
Дело профессора
Акулы Красного моря
Тинтин в Тибете
Драгоценности Кастафьоре
Рейс 714 на Сидней
Тинтин и Пикаросы
Кроме трёх Тинтин в стране Советов, Тинтин в Конго и Тинтин и Альфа-Арт 21 альбомов
== Сезоны ==
{{main|Список эпизодов мультсериала «Приключения Тинтина (1991)»}}
{{:Список эпизодов мультсериала «Приключения Тинтина (1991)»}}

=== Информация о закадровом озвучке ===
== Факты ==

== Ссылки ==
== Ссылки ==
; В базах данных

{{мультипликация студии|Nelvana Limited}}
{{мультипликация студии|Nelvana Limited}}
{{мультипликация студии|Ellipsanime}}
{{мультипликация студии|Ellipse Programme}}
{{мультипликация режиссёра|Стефани Бернаскони|Стефани Бернаскони}}
{{мультипликация режиссёра|Стефан Бернаскони|Стефана Бернаскони}}

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